21+ Pink Hydrangea Colors
Pink hydrangea fertilizer as we said above the color is determined by the ph levels in the soil.
Pink hydrangea colors. Blues are best grown in acidic soil. Macrophylla especially mophead and lacecap types and h. If you want to make them pink you need to ensure they are getting aluminum from the soil. Pinks and reds do best in alkaline or neutral soil. If the flowers are pink it means they are taking up aluminum from the soil but if they are blue it means they are not. It is much easier to change a hydrangea from pink to blue than it is from blue to pink. If your hydrangeas are pink because your soil is alkaline and you want them to be blue you need to make the soil acidic by increasing the presence of aluminum.
When grown in alkaline soil the bloom colors are pinker. The color of some bigleaf hydrangeas h. To confirm your soil s ph level let s test a sample. Serrata cultivars change color based on the ph of your soil. The more alkaline the soil the pinker the flowers. Hydrangeas change color except for the white ones based on the ph level of their soil. Changing a hydrangea from pink to blue entails adding aluminum to the soil.
Hydrangeas with bloom colors that range from pink through blue and purple usually belong to the hydrangea cultivars known as mopheads and lacecaps. You can achieve this by adding amendments to you your soil like pine needles compost coffee grounds and aluminum sulfate that help make the soil acidic over time. Changing from blue to pink means subtracting aluminum from the soil or taking it out of reach of the hydrangea.